Évoluer Aesthetics & Plastic surgery


Rhinoplasty, commonly called a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure that reshapes and redefines the nose to achieve aesthetic and functional improvements. Whether you seek to enhance your facial harmony or correct a structural issue, Rhinoplasty helps you achieve the desired result.

Achieve Aesthetic and functional balance with Rhinoplasty.

  • Rhinoplasty goes beyond simply altering the nose’s appearance; it addresses the delicate balance between aesthetics and functionality. While many individuals pursue Rhinoplasty to enhance their facial proportions and boost their self-esteem, others choose the procedure to alleviate breathing difficulties caused by structural abnormalities. This dual-purpose nature of Rhinoplasty underscores its significance as a transformative procedure that enhances external appearance and improves overall well-being.
  • Deciding to undergo Rhinoplasty is a significant step that requires careful consideration and informed choices. Before embarking on this transformative journey, evaluating various factors to determine if Rhinoplasty aligns with your goals and expectations is important.

    Consideration Checklist:

    • Personal Motivation: Reflect on your reasons for wanting Rhinoplasty. Are they driven by a desire for aesthetic enhancement, functional improvement, or both?
    • Health and Wellness: Ensure you are healthy enough to undergo surgery and the subsequent recovery period.
    • Realistic Expectations: Understand that Rhinoplasty can enhance your appearance but won’t make you look like someone else. Realistic expectations are crucial for a satisfying outcome.
    • Specific Concerns: Identify the aspects of your nose that you’d like to address. Whether it’s a hump, asymmetry, bulbous tip, or breathing difficulties, understanding your concerns will help guide your consultation.
    • Emotional Readiness: Be mentally prepared for the process, including the surgical and recovery phases.
    • Commitment to Aftercare: Rhinoplasty requires adherence to post-operative care instructions for optimal healing and results.
  • Selecting a skilled and experienced surgeon is paramount when considering a rhinoplasty procedure. A successful outcome depends on the surgeon’s artistic vision, technical expertise, and understanding of the unique nuances of each patient’s anatomy. An experienced surgeon possesses the ability to not only achieve a desired aesthetic outcome but also ensure optimal functionality and proportionality. At Evoluer Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery, our team of board-certified plastic surgeons brings years of specialized training and experience to achieve the desired results.

Our Approach to Rhinoplasty:

  • At Evoluer Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery, we believe every individual’s nose is as unique as their personality. Our approach to Rhinoplasty is founded on precision and personalization. Before recommending any procedure, we take the time to understand your goals, concerns, and desires. We leverage state-of-the-art imaging technology to visualize potential outcomes and engage in detailed consultations to ensure a shared understanding of your expectations.
  • We prioritize open communication, patient comfort, and safety throughout the procedure. Our surgical team combines technical skills with an artistic eye, striving to achieve results that enhance natural beauty while maintaining harmony with facial features. Our dedication to care extends beyond the operating room, encompassing comprehensive post-operative guidance and support.
  • Our surgical team comprises highly trained and board-certified plastic surgeons specialising in Rhinoplasty. With a wealth of experience and a dedication to continuous learning, our surgeons have honed their skills to achieve remarkable outcomes. Their expertise extends beyond technical proficiency; they possess an innate understanding of facial proportions, aesthetics, and the intricacies of nasal anatomy. When you choose Evoluer Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery, you’re entrusting your transformation to professionals who excel in sculpting beauty and functionality.

  • We recognize that every individual’s aspirations and concerns are unique. Our approach begins with a comprehensive consultation, where we listen attentively to your goals and expectations. Through this collaborative process, we tailor a surgical plan that aligns with your desires and facial harmony. Our patient-centric approach extends beyond the surgery room, ensuring you’re well-informed, comfortable, and supported at every step of your journey. Your dreams become our goal, and your satisfaction is our ultimate achievement.
  • In Rhinoplasty, we marry art with science to create results that appear seamlessly natural. We leverage advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to refine and reshape the nose while maintaining its inherent character. Our surgeons are well-versed in open and closed rhinoplasty methods, enabling them to select the most appropriate approach for your needs. The result is a nose that complements your features, enhances your beauty, and functions harmoniously.

Treatment Process at Evoluer Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery:

  • The best way to determine if Rhinoplasty is the right choice for you is by scheduling a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. During this personalized session, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations. Your surgeon will evaluate your nasal anatomy, provide expert advice, and recommend a tailored approach that addresses your needs.
  • We take informed decision-making as the cornerstone of a successful rhinoplasty experience. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the process, answer your questions, and ensure you are well-prepared for the journey ahead.

What types of rhinoplasties do we perform in Évoluer Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery?

Based on indication: 

  • Dorsal Hump Reduction
  • Tip Refinement
  • Nostril Reduction
  • Nasal Bridge Augmentation
  • Deviated Septum Correction
  • Nasal Valve Repair
  • Ethnic Rhinoplasty
  • Revision Rhinoplasty
  • Cleft Lip and Palate Reconstruction
  • Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty
  • Aging-related Rhinoplasty:

Each indicated rhinoplasty targets specific concerns and goals, requiring a tailored approach to achieve optimal results. These are a few that we commonly do in our clinic.

Preparation Before Surgery:

  • Proper preparation before your rhinoplasty procedure ensures a safe and successful surgical experience and a smooth recovery. Here are detailed pre-operative instructions and guidelines to help you prepare effectively:
  • Pre-Operative Instructions and Guidelines:

    • Follow Fasting Guidelines: Your surgeon will provide specific fasting instructions regarding food and drink before surgery. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial to prevent complications during anesthesia.
    • Discontinue Medications: Inform your surgeon about all your medications, supplements, and herbal remedies. Some medications, like blood thinners and certain pain relievers, may need to be temporarily discontinued before surgery.
    • Avoid Smoking and Alcohol: Both smoking and alcohol can interfere with your body’s ability to heal properly. It’s advisable to abstain from these substances for a specified period before and after surgery.
    • Hydration: Stay well-hydrated in the days leading up to your surgery. Proper hydration can aid in recovery and contribute to overall well-being.
    • Arrange Transportation: As you’ll likely be under anesthesia, it’s important to arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgical facility on the day of the procedure.

Importance of Disclosing Medical History and Medications:

  • Your surgeon needs a comprehensive understanding of your medical history and any medications you’re taking to ensure your safety. Disclosing this information helps the surgical team make informed decisions and tailor the procedure to your needs.

  • Our surgical team comprises highly trained and board-certified plastic surgeons specialising in Rhinoplasty. With a wealth of experience and a dedication to continuous learning, our surgeons have honed their skills to achieve remarkable outcomes. Their expertise extends beyond technical proficiency; they possess an innate understanding of facial proportions, aesthetics, and the intricacies of nasal anatomy. When you choose Evoluer Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery, you’re entrusting your transformation to professionals who excel in sculpting beauty and functionality.


  • We recognize that every individual’s aspirations and concerns are unique. Our approach begins with a comprehensive consultation, where we listen attentively to your goals and expectations. Through this collaborative process, we tailor a surgical plan that aligns with your desires and facial harmony. Our patient-centric approach extends beyond the surgery room, ensuring you’re well-informed, comfortable, and supported at every step of your journey. Your dreams become our goal, and your satisfaction is our ultimate achievement.
  • In Rhinoplasty, we marry art with science to create results that appear seamlessly natural. We leverage advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to refine and reshape the nose while maintaining its inherent character. Our surgeons are well-versed in open and closed rhinoplasty methods, enabling them to select the most appropriate approach for your needs. The result is a nose that complements your features, enhances your beauty, and functions harmoniously.

During the Procedure:

  • At Evoluer Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery, we believe every individual’s nose is as unique as their personality. Our approach to Rhinoplasty is founded on precision and personalization. Before recommending any procedure, we take the time to understand your goals, concerns, and desires. We leverage state-of-the-art imaging technology to visualize potential outcomes and engage in detailed consultations to ensure a shared understanding of your expectations.
  • We prioritize open communication, patient comfort, and safety throughout the procedure. Our surgical team combines technical skills with an artistic eye, striving to achieve results that enhance natural beauty while maintaining harmony with facial features. Our dedication to care extends beyond the operating room, encompassing comprehensive post-operative guidance and support.

The journey begins with a thorough consultation with your surgeon. You’ll share your goals, concerns, and desired changes during this discussion. Your surgeon will assess your nasal anatomy, discuss your expectations, and determine the best approach for your unique case.

 On the day of the procedure, you’ll be placed under either general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation, ensuring your comfort and pain-free experience throughout the surgery.

Rhinoplasty can be performed using either an open or closed approach, each suited to different cases:

  • Open Rhinoplasty: Involves an incision made across the columella (the tissue between the nostrils) and additional internal incisions. This approach offers direct visibility and access to the nasal structures, making it suitable for complex cases.
  • Closed Rhinoplasty: The incisions are confined within the nostrils, resulting in no external scars. This approach is ideal for minor adjustments requiring less invasive reshaping.
  • Once the incisions are made, your surgeon will carefully reshape the nasal bones, cartilage, and tissues according to the predetermined plan. Adjustments can include reducing a dorsal hump, refining the nasal tip, straightening the septum, and achieving symmetrical proportions.
  • If functional issues are being addressed, such as a deviated septum, your surgeon will perform corrective procedures to enhance airflow and alleviate breathing difficulties.
  • Computer imaging lets your surgeon simulate potential post-operative results visually. This tool aids in aligning your expectations with achievable outcomes, enhancing communication between you and your surgeon.

The incisions are meticulously closed using sutures after making necessary adjustments. Nasal splints or packing may be applied to support the newly reshaped structures and aid in proper healing.

  •  The initial recovery period involves some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which gradually subside. Follow-up appointments with your surgeon are essential to monitor progress, remove sutures, and ensure your healing is on track.
  • The choice between open and closed Rhinoplasty depends on factors such as the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon’s preference, and your specific needs. Computer imaging is a powerful tool that helps you visualise potential outcomes, enhancing your understanding of the possibilities and assisting in making informed decisions.

  • Remember, the success of your rhinoplasty journey relies on the expertise of your surgeon, their understanding of your desires, and your commitment to following post-operative care instructions.

Understanding what to expect during and after your rhinoplasty procedure is crucial for a smooth recovery and optimal results. Here’s a comprehensive overview:

Typical Experience on the Day of Surgery:

  • Arrival: You’ll arrive at the surgical facility, where the medical team will ensure you’re comfortable and ready for the procedure.
  • Anesthesia: Anesthesia will be administered, ensuring you’re asleep and pain-free throughout the surgery.
  • Surgery: The surgical team will perform the Rhinoplasty according to the predetermined plan. The procedure duration depends on the complexity.
  • Recovery: After surgery, you’ll be monitored as you wake up from anesthesia. Once you’re alert and stable, you can return home with a designated caregiver.
  • Pain Management: Discomfort and mild pain are common after Rhinoplasty. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medications to alleviate any discomfort.
  • Care Instructions: Follow your surgeon’s specific instructions, which may include keeping your head elevated, avoiding strenuous activities, and adhering to a gentle cleansing routine for your incisions.
  • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are expected and will gradually subside over the first few weeks. Cold compresses and proper head elevation can help minimize these effects.
  • Nasal Packing and Splints: If used, nasal packing and splints will be removed during a follow-up visit, typically within the first week.
  • Return to Normal Activities: You’ll be advised to resume light activities as you heal gradually. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for a few weeks.
  • Your surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, address any concerns, and ensure your healing is on track. These appointments are vital for fine-tuning your recovery and achieving the best possible results.


  • By adhering to your surgeon’s care instructions, staying patient during the healing process, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you’ll be well-equipped to enjoy the long-term benefits of your rhinoplasty journey. Remember that your surgical team supports you at every step, guiding you toward a confident and beautiful outcome.
  • At Evoluer Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic and functional goals while nurturing your overall well-being. Experience the difference between working with surgeons passionate about their craft and deeply committed to delivering results that empower you to embrace your unique beauty confidently. Book your appointment today!