Évoluer Aesthetics & Plastic surgery

Beard Transplant

Need to know everything about before getting a beard Transplant:

  • Beard is a symbol of masculinity in our culture, and for men, having the ability to grow a beard is  more related to manhood. If you’re one of the many men who struggle with patchy or thin facial hair, a beard transplant could be the solution you’re looking for. At ÉVOLUER AESTHETICS AND PLASTIC SURGERY, we specialize in beard transplants using the latest techniques and technology to give you a natural-looking beard that suits your face.

What is a beard transplant?

  • A beard transplant is a minimally invasive procedure that involves harvesting hair from a donor area, usually from the back of the head, and transplanting it to the beard area. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and can take several hours, depending on the transplant size.

Who is a good candidate for a beard transplant?

  • Men with patchy or thin facial hair or who experienced facial hair loss due to genetics, injury, or scarring may be good candidates for a beard transplant. However, having realistic expectations and understanding that not all men are good candidates for the procedure is important.
Treatment methods for a beard transplant
  • There are two types of beard transplant procedures: 
  • In this procedure, hair follicles are extracted from the donor area (usually the back of the head) using a small punch tool and transplanted to the beard area. This method is minimally invasive and leaves no linear scar.
  • In this procedure, a strip of skin containing hair follicles are removed from the donor area and then transplanted to the beard area. This method can provide a larger number of grafts but leaves a linear scar at the donor site.

  • Both procedures involve transplanting hair follicles from a donor area to the beard area, where they will grow and create a fuller, thicker beard. The choice of procedure depends on the individual’s needs and the surgeon’s expertise.
Beard Transplant Procedure
  • Doctor will examine the donor region and transplant region. 

  • Finalises the beard’s pattern as per the individual’s need.

  • The procedure begins with administering local anaesthesia to the donor and recipient areas. 

  • Hair follicles are harvested from the donor area using a specialised tool and prepared for transplantation. 

  • Tiny incisions are made in the beard area, and the hair follicles are carefully transplanted into the incisions.

Post-procedure care instructions:
  • Most men can return to work and other normal activities within a few days of the procedure, although some swelling and redness in the beard area may persist for several days or weeks. It’s important to avoid shaving or trimming the beard for several weeks after the procedure to allow the transplanted hair to establish fully.

What results can I expect?
  • The results of a beard transplant are usually permanent, and the transplanted hair will continue to grow and require regular trimming and maintenance. The final results can take several months to develop fully, but most men see significant improvement in their beard density and appearance within a few weeks of the procedure. Usually, it takes one sitting for the process, and some might need a second sitting.

Benefits of a beard transplant:
  • Beard transplant or beard hair restoration can have several benefits, including:

  • One of the primary benefits of a beard transplant is that it can significantly improve the appearance of a patchy or thin beard. The transplanted hair follicles can fill the gaps and create a fuller, thicker, and  even beard.
  • A fuller, thicker beard can help improve a person’s self-esteem and confidence. This can be especially true for men who feel self-conscious about their appearance due to a patchy beard.
  • Beard transplant results are typically permanent. This means that once the transplanted hair follicles start to grow, they will continue to grow for the rest of a person’s life, providing a long-lasting solution to a patchy beard.
  • The downtime after a beard transplant is minimal. Most people can return to their regular activities within a few days of the procedure, and there are usually no visible signs of the procedure within a week or so.
  • Beard transplant procedures are generally safe and effective. They have a high success rate and low risk of complications when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon.
What are the side effects?
  • A beard transplant can have potential side effects and risks like any surgical procedure. Some of the common side effects of beard transplant may include:

  • Swelling is a common side effect after a beard transplant. The extent of swelling may vary from person to person and usually resolves within a few days.
  • It is common to experience some pain, discomfort, or soreness in the treated areas for a few days after the procedure.
  • Itching can be a common side effect during the healing process as the new hair grows.

The transplanted area may appear red and scabby immediately after the procedure. However, this is usually temporary and resolves within a few days.

  • Although rare, infection is a potential side effect of any surgical procedure, and it can be treated with antibiotics if detected early.
  • In some cases, the transplanted hair may not grow properly or fall out after the procedure.

  • It’s important to note that the above side effects are generally temporary and can be managed with proper post-operative care. However, consulting with a qualified and experienced surgeon is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of beard transplant surgery.

How long does the beard transplant last?
  • Beard implants or beard transplants can provide long-lasting results, but it’s important to note that they are not always permanent. In general, the transplanted hair follicles will continue to grow and produce hair for the rest of the person’s life, which means the results can be long-lasting.


  • However, it’s important to remember that the success of a beard transplant largely depends on the individual’s natural hair growth patterns, the quality of the hair follicles harvested from the donor area, and the skill and expertise of the surgeon performing the procedure.


  • In some cases, the transplanted hair follicles may not take root and grow properly, leading to poor results. Factors such as ageing, hormonal changes, and medical conditions can also affect the growth of the transplanted hair over time.


  • Therefore, choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon and following their post-operative care instructions carefully is essential to increase the chances of a successful and long-lasting beard transplant.
Beard Transplant cost:
  • The cost of a beard transplant can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the clinic’s location, the surgeon’s experience, the number of grafts required, and the technique used. On average, the cost of a beard transplant can range from 45000-1,00,000 lac.

  • Also, the cost of a beard transplant may not be covered by insurance, as it is often considered a cosmetic procedure. Before undergoing a beard transplant, it’s important to research and compare the prices of different clinics and surgeons and ensure that you choose a reputable and experienced provider.

Why choose Evoluer Aesthetics?
  • At ÉVOLUER AESTHETICS AND PLASTIC SURGERY, we are dedicated to helping men achieve the facial hair they desire with our state-of-the-art beard transplant procedures. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and determine whether a beard transplant suits you.