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What is liposuction?

  • Liposuction is a transformative procedure to help you achieve your desired body shape. Liposuction offers the solution to shape and reshape your silhouette if you’ve struggled with stubborn pockets of fat that won’t yield to diet and exercise.  
  • Liposuction, or lipoplasty or body contouring, is a surgical procedure that aims to remove excess fat deposits from certain body areas. It is performed by a qualified & certified plastic surgeon with right treatment, removes unwanted fat cells, creating a more proportionate and contoured appearance.
  • A surgical technique called liposuction tries to eliminate extra fat deposits from particular body parts in order to improve body contours and produce a more sculpted appearance. One of the most popular cosmetic procedures is done every day all around the world.

Benefits of Liposuction

  • The main purpose of liposuction is to improve body contours and create a more streamlined body. It can effectively treat areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, back and neck. Liposuction can selectively target and remove stubborn fat, helping you achieve a more balanced and aesthetic body shape.  

  • The benefits of liposuction go beyond physical appearance. Along with improved body shapes, many patients experience a return of confidence and self-esteem. Thanks to improved body proportions, clothes fit better and people often feel more comfortable and relaxed in their own skin. It is important to note that liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss or a solution to obesity. It is best suited for people who are close to their ideal weight, but have localised areas of excess fat that resist traditional  fat removal methods. 

  • As you begin this informed journey, we  guide you through the various aspects of liposuction, including the procedure itself, recovery expectations and possible results. So, let’s familiarise ourselves with the transformation possibilities offered by liposuction  and take a step towards being more confident and refined.

Liposuction procedure
  • Anaesthesia is first administered, which guarantees your comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon might make a few tiny incisions close to the treatment region, depending on the exact approach employed.

  • A narrow, hollow tube known as a cannula is then introduced into the fat layer through the incisions. A controlled vacuum is produced by the suction device that is linked to the cannula. To loosen and remove the extra fat cells, the surgeon twists the cannula back and forth.

Liposuction procedure
  • A flatter, more contoured stomach can be attained by focusing on abdominal fat.


  • Liposuction can reduce love handles or muffin tops and contour the waistline.
  • The outside and inner thighs can both be treated to give legs more definition and smaller legs.
  • Liposuction can be used to improve the buttocks’ curves and shapes.
  • Removing extra fat from the upper arms will help you seem more toned and thin.
  • Liposuction can help you get rid of stubborn fat pockets on your back and bra line.
  • Reducing fat deposits around the neck and chin helps enhance facial harmony and profile.
  • It is vital to know that liposuction is not a weight-loss or obesity therapy. It is best suited for those who are near to their desired weight but struggle with localised regions of fat that do not react to typical fat-loss procedures.


  • Liposuction can be performed alone or in combination with other cosmetic operations such as a stomach tuck or body lift to accomplish total body reshaping and the desired aesthetic goals. Consultation with a knowledgeable plastic surgeon is essential to evaluate if liposuction is correct for you and to examine the precise treatment areas that might benefit you.
Types of Liposuction Techniques:
  • Liposuction procedures have changed throughout time, and there are now a variety of options accessible. Here are some of the most popular forms of liposuction:
  • Traditional liposuction, also known as suction-assisted liposuction (SAL), involves the removal of excess fat using a cannula attached to a suction device. The fat cells are physically broken up by the surgeon utilising back-and-forth motions of the cannula, allowing for their evacuation. It is a versatile procedure that may be used on a variety of body parts.
  • Tumescent liposuction entails injecting a tumescent solution into the treatment region prior to fat removal. This fluid usually contains a topical anaesthetic (lidocaine) to numb the region and epinephrine to constrict blood vessels and reduce bleeding. The tumescent approach aids in fat removal, lowers discomfort and bleeding, and improves patient comfort both during and after the treatment.
  • Ultrasound energy is used to liquefy fat cells before they are removed in ultrasound-assisted liposuction. A specialised cannula sends out ultrasonic vibrations, which break down fat cells and make them simpler to remove. UAL works very well on fibrous regions including the back, male chest, and upper abdomen. It enables precision fat removal while minimising harm to adjacent tissues.
  • Laser energy is used to liquefy fat cells during liposuction. A fiber-optic probe put into the therapy region delivers laser energy. A cannula is then used to suck out the liquefied fat. LAL may help tighten the skin as well as remove fat, making it useful in places where skin laxity is an issue.
  • This procedure uses a vibrating cannula to break up fat cells and expedite their evacuation. The cannula’s back-and-forth motion is powered by a motorised device, which reduces the surgeon’s muscular effort. PAL enables more accurate fat removal while causing less harm to the surrounding tissues.
Liposuction Advancements
  • Water-Assisted Liposuction (WAL) use a water jet to loosen and remove fat cells while minimising harm to surrounding tissues.


  • Laser-assisted lipolysis treatments, such as SmartLipo and SlimLipo, use laser radiation to not only liquefy fat but also promote collagen formation, which may result in skin tightening.


  • Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) combines standard liposuction with radiofrequency radiation to liquefy fat while simultaneously tightening the skin.


  • These innovations are intended to improve patient results, increase accuracy, shorten recovery times, and give additional skin tightening advantages. It is essential to consult with a knowledgeable plastic surgeon about the numerous treatments in order to choose which approach is most suited to your specific needs and desired goals.

Who are candidates for liposuction
  • Several criteria, including general health, body weight, and reasonable expectations, decide whether a person is a candidate for liposuction. Here’s what you should know:
  • Good general health is required for liposuction. Candidates must be free of any major medical disorders that may enhance the risks of surgery and anaesthesia. During the meeting, it is critical that you give your whole medical history to the cosmetic surgeon.
  • Liposuction is a body reshaping operation rather than a weight loss strategy. Candidates must be at or near their desired weight or have a steady body weight. It is not advised for people who are extremely overweight or obese. Liposuction is most effective for people who have localised fat deposits.Individuals with localised regions of extra fat that are resistant to diet and exercise benefit the most from liposuction.
  • It is critical to have realistic expectations regarding the results of liposuction. While the operation can eliminate stubborn fat and improve body shapes, it may not affect your total weight or address loose skin. A knowledgeable plastic surgeon can assist you understand what liposuction may realistically achieve for your particular body type and aspirations.
During Consultation
  • It is critical to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will examine your candidature for liposuction at the consultation by reviewing your medical history, doing a physical examination, and discussing your goals. They will also thoroughly explain the surgery, go through potential risks and problems, and answer any concerns you may have. Based on your medical history, the surgeon will provide personalised suggestions.

Pre-operative Preparation
  • Your plastic surgeon will offer precise instructions for pre-operative preparation prior to liposuction. These might include:

  • Follow your surgeon’s dietary advice, such as avoiding specific foods or drugs that may increase the risk of bleeding or interfere with anaesthesia.


Inform your surgeon about any drugs or supplements you are presently taking, since they may need to be altered or temporarily stopped before to the surgery.

It is best to avoid smoking and restrict alcohol use before and after surgery, since both might interfere with recovery.

  • Arrange for someone to drive you home following surgery and, if required, to stay with you throughout the early recovery period.
How is the procedure performed
  • Liposuction surgery comprises multiple phases, from pre-operative planning through post-operative care. Here’s a step-by-step guide.

Anaesthesia alternatives: Your surgeon will go through your anaesthesia alternatives with you. Liposuction can be conducted under general anaesthesia (in which you are completely asleep) or under local anaesthesia with sedation (in which you are awake but numbed and relaxed). The decision is influenced by the scope of the surgery, your preferences, and the surgeon’s suggestion.

Anaesthesia Administration: Once in the operating room, anaesthesia will be delivered using the technique of your choice.

Small incisions will be deliberately put near the treatment region by the surgeon. Incisions are typically small and precisely placed to minimise scarring.

Tumescent Liposuction (if used): A tumescent solution comprising local anaesthetic and epinephrine is injected into the treatment region to promote fat removal, minimise bleeding, and improve patient comfort.

Fat Removal: A cannula, a narrow hollow tube, is placed into the incisions to remove fat. To loosen and suck out the extra fat cells, the surgeon will utilise a back-and-forth motion with the cannula. Your surgeon’s choice of technique (conventional, ultrasound-assisted, laser-assisted, etc.) will decide the approach employed to remove the fat.

Contouring and Symmetry: To obtain the desired results and assure symmetry, the surgeon will sculpt and contour the treated region. This needs knowledge and a great aesthetic sense.

Incision Closure: After the fat has been removed and the contouring has been completed, the incisions can be closed with sutures or left open to allow for drainage, according on the surgeon’s discretion.

  • Dressings and Compression Garments: Following surgery, the treated region may be covered with bandages or dressings. You will almost certainly be told to wear a compression garment to minimise swelling and aid in the healing process.


  • In a recovery room, you will be observed until the anaesthesia wears off and you are stable. You may be discharged to go home after you are awake and your vital signs are stabilised.


  • Follow-up Appointments: Your surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments to assess your healing process, remove any sutures as needed, and offer further post-operative care instructions.
  • Liposuction, like any surgical operation, has risks and potential consequences, which might include infection, haemorrhage, fluid buildup, shape defects, changes in skin sensitivity, scarring, and anaesthesia-related hazards. During your appointment, your surgeon will go through these possible risks and consequences with you.
  • The length of liposuction surgery depends on the degree of the treatment and the regions treated. It might last anywhere from one to many hours. Recovery time varies, but most patients should expect some swelling, bruising, and soreness at first, which will progressively reduce. During the first recuperation phase, you may need to take time off work and reduce your physical activity. The whole recuperation phase, which might be from weeks to months, will allow you to witness the ultimate effects of your liposuction gradually.


  • To ensure a safe and effective recovery, carefully follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, attend all follow-up appointments, and express any concerns or unexpected changes with your surgical team.
What to expect after the liposuction?
  • It is important to set realistic expectations about the results of liposuction. Liposuction can significantly improve your body contour and improve your overall appearance, but it’s important to understand its limitations. 

  • Here’s what you can expect:

  • Liposuction helps remove stubborn fat deposits and reshape the treatment area, resulting in a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing body contour. The result is a smoother, slimmer and more proportionate look. You may notice an improvement in sharpness and body symmetry.
  • Liposuction is very effective in removing excess fat from specific areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms. Targeting areas where eating and exercising are not good, you can achieve a more ideal body shape.
  • After liposuction, many patients find that their clothes fit better and are more comfortable. Your clothes will fall more smoothly and you will feel more confident in your swimwear, tight-fitting, and contouring clothes.
  • It is important to have realistic expectations about the results of liposuction. While this procedure can improve body contours, it will not dramatically change your overall weight or solve problems such as sagging skin. Liposuction is not a weight loss solution, it is a body contouring technique.

  • Individual results may vary based on factors such as skin elasticity, body composition and general health. Patients with good skin elasticity tend to have better skin contraction after fat removal, resulting in a smoother, tighter contour. 
  • The success of liposuction also depends on how your body responds to the procedure and how you maintain a healthy lifestyle afterwards. To better understand the potential results of liposuction, the plastic surgeon may provide before-and-after photos and testimonials from previous patients. These visual representations help show successful results and give a realistic idea of ​​what can be achieved.
Choosing the right surgeon:
  • Ensuring your safety and health during liposuction is of utmost importance. There are some important considerations to prioritise when choosing a plastic surgeon.

It is important to choose a plastic surgeon who is qualified and experienced in liposuction. Look for a surgeon who is certified by a reputable board of plastic surgery and has extensive experience performing liposuction procedures. A well-trained surgeon has the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve optimal results and minimize risks. 

Choose a surgical facility accredited by an accredited organization such as the Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF) or a joint committee. Accreditation ensures that facilities meet strict safety and quality standards. Also, make sure your surgeon has the appropriate certifications and affiliations with professional organisations that demonstrate a commitment to continuing education and best practices.

Schedule a meeting with your prospective surgeon to discuss your goals, expectations, and concerns. A reputable surgeon will take the time to listen to your needs, conduct a thorough evaluation, and provide honest, detailed information about the surgery, potential risks, and expected results. Clear and open communication is essential for successful surgery.

Request before and after photos of liposuction patients previously treated by the surgeon. This will give you an idea of ​​their skills and the results achieved. Patient reports and assessments may also provide valuable insight into surgeon professionalism, expertise, and patient satisfaction.

  • A responsible and qualified plastic surgeon will explain the potential risks and complications associated with liposuction. These include anaesthesia risks, bleeding, infections, uneven contours, changes in skin feel, and other specific complications that may apply to your case. Understanding these potential risks can help you make informed decisions and meet expectations.
  • Remember that safety and quality of results are highly dependent on the skill and expertise of the plastic surgeon. Take the time to do thorough research, put patient safety first, and choose qualified professionals with a proven track record of achieving successful results.


  • Liposuction cost in India: Liposuction costs depend on many factors such as the extent of the procedure, treatment area, experience of the surgeon and geographic location.
  • Liposuction cost in Hyderabad : Usually the price range is from 50,000k to 3,25000 lacs based on the body part that is treated.
  • Full body liposuction cost : This vary based on the amount of fat removed & other factors mentioned above.
  • It is best to consult a plastic surgeon for an individualized cost estimate.

Recovery time depends on the extent of liposuction and the individual’s ability to heal. Generally, most patients experience a few days to a week of downtime. You may need to wear compression garments, limit physical activity, and follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions for several weeks to ensure a smooth recovery.

Liposuction incisions are usually small and strategically placed to minimize scarring. Cuts are often well hidden in natural body creases or areas covered by clothing. Over time the scar will fade and become less noticeable.

Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the treated area. However, to be effective, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet. Remaining fat cells may swell due to weight gain, which may affect the outcome of the surgery.

Liposuction mainly targets excess fat and whether it can improve sagging skin depends on factors such as skin elasticity. If the skin is slightly loose, it may shrink and become tight after liposuction. However, if severe sagging skin is a concern, additional procedures such as a tummy tuck or body lift may be more appropriate.

Liposuction is not intended as a weight loss solution. This is a body contouring procedure that aims to remove localized fat deposits that cannot withstand diet and exercise. Liposuction is most effective for people who are close to their ideal weight and want a slim figure.

  • Liposuction is not specifically designed to treat cellulite. In some cases, reducing the underlying fat can improve the appearance of cellulite, but it does not eliminate it completely. Other treatments, such as laser therapy and radiofrequency, may be more effective in fighting cellulite.